GURKHA INTERNATIONAL is looking for Nepalese Waiter, Chief & Cook in Hongkong
GURKHA INTERNATIONAL is looking for Nepalese Waiter, Cheif & Cook in HongKong
GURKHA INTERNATIONAL is looking for Nepalese Waiter, Cheif & Cook in HongKong: Hello Job Seeker's, Today we are here to provide you the information on New Demand in Hong Kong
One of the well reputed company from Hong Kong named "GURKHA INTERNATIONAL" is looking for many worker from Nepal.
Company Name
Recruiting Agency Name
Waiter, Cook, Cheif Salary
Rs. 87,882
Total Workers Needed
Minimum Qualification
Lot Number
278172 Newspaper
Interview Date
10-17-2024 - 10-18-2024Time (समय):9:30:0 AMVenue (स्थान): Own Office Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPURDate (मिति): 1-20-2024 - 1-20-2024Time (समय):10:0:0 AMVenue (स्थान): Own Office Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPURDate (मिति): 5-23-2023 - 5-25-2023Time (समय):10:0:0 AMVenue (स्थान): Own Office Premises Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPURDate (मिति): 1-4-2023 - 1-14-2023Time (समय):10:0:0 AM
Visa Ticket
Provided by Company
Provided by Company
Provided by Company
Provided by Company
Contract Period (in years)
2 Year
Contact Number
Padam Bahadur Gurung: 01-5530456 Ram Prasad Gurung: 9851034062 Ganga Bahadur Gurung: 014443538 Man Bahadur Budhamagar: 015530900
10-17-2024 - 10-18-2024
Time (समय):9:30:0 AM
Venue (स्थान): Own Office Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPUR
Date (मिति): 1-20-2024 - 1-20-2024
Time (समय):10:0:0 AM
Venue (स्थान): Own Office Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPUR
Date (मिति): 5-23-2023 - 5-25-2023
Time (समय):10:0:0 AM
Venue (स्थान): Own Office Premises Lalitpur Metropolitian City LALITPUR
Date (मिति): 1-4-2023 - 1-14-2023
Time (समय):10:0:0 AM
The Department of Foreign Labor provides the following information
- Your deposit should be made after you have received a personal visa from the company. Collect the voucher as soon as possible
- Please note the contact numbers and address of the Nepalese diplomatic offices in that countries where you will be or are being employed. This makes it easy for you to get in touch with them when required.
- Don’t give more than the amount listed on the document
- You must go through orientation before you can work abroad
- For employment abroad, please make sure you carefully research the country, the company, and the perks you will receive before traveling. You should only sign the agreement once you have read it carefully. Make sure you have a copy of this document on hand
- When traveling abroad, it is best to use the Nepali airport rather than other airports, since there are chances of being conned otherwise
- Please contact the Department of Foreign Labor, if you have any questions about this ad
The following instructions are important if you are considering foreign employment
- Before applying, check all LT details
- Knowing how much of your quota is left will help you decide whether to apply. It’s possible the quota was met
- Find out whether recruitment agencies and foreign employers have a transaction history. You can search for it using Google
- Sending an SMS will allow you to receive the information at any time. To send it to 34001, type LT [space] [Lt-Number]